Usually, an SMS (a short message service) consist of 140 bytes, in other
word a message can load 140 characters 8-bit 160 characters 7-bit or 70
characters 16-bit for Japanesse, Chinesse (mandarin), and Korean that using
Hanzi (Kanji/Hanja letters). To sending a message user can send a message more
than 140 bytes, but to sending more than those characters a user must pay more
than once, therefore needs to make an aplication to skimp the character.
SMS compression application is application which made to do
compression and decompression on the text message to send and accepted later.
Algorithm comprssion which is used in this aplication is algorihm Hufman where
the teks that will be compressed is the sms text default in the cell phone. When the
application write and then send the message, this application play role as a
compressor, where as when accepted and read a message, this application can be
a decompressor. There are 3 steps in using the Huffman Algorithm. First is
Huffman tree figurations step. second is encoding and the last is decoding step.
This aplication is made by using JAVA laguage is J2ME. And will work on cell
phone MIDP 2.0 basicly.
As whole, SMS compression application is capable to do a compression
and decompression process toward SMS text. Based of the test which has done,
sms compression application can saving 50% toward the text by means of 1
character variation. The bigness ratio of compression is influenced by total
character of variation and total of character. The more higher same character the
more higher degThe bigness ratio of compression is influenced by total character
of variation and total of character. The more higher same character the more
higher degree of successree of success. Huffman algorithm is proven to
compressed the text sms.
Key word: SMS, compression, Huffman algorithm, MIDP 2.0, J2ME