As an air transportation service industry (aviation) that serves passenger baggage, PT. Servisos Transportes Eros de Timor Leste (STAT), which operates at Presidente Nicolau Lobatu International Airport, Dili, the State of Timor continues to make various efforts to increase passenger satisfaction. One of them is by measuring the level of passenger satisfaction based on expectations and perceptions, especially the arrival portion of the Presidente Nicolau Lobatu International Airport, Dili, Timor Leste with a route from Bali - Indonesia to Dili - Timor Leste and from Kupang - Indonesia to Dili - Timor Leste.
The method used to measure the level of passenger satisfaction based on expectations and perceptions is Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). The results of data processing show that of the 15 variables, each quadrant is grouped. Quadrant I is a Concentrate Here on the (-Y, + X) (-4,16, +3,895) axes includes V7, V8, and V9. Quadrant II is Keep Up The Good Work which is in the (+ X, + Y) axis (+3,895, +4,16) includes V1, V4, V5, V6, V10, and V12. Quadrant III is a Low Priority which is on the axis line (+ Y, -X) (+4,16, -3,895) includes V2, V3, V11, V14, and V15. Quadrant IV is a Possibly Overkill which is in the quadrant line of the axis (-X, -Y) or (3,895, 4,16) includes V13. Of the 4 quadrants, quadrant I is the main priority for improvement, the variables included in quadrant I include (1). Security guarantees for passenger baggage, (2). Baggage handling guarantees so that they are not damaged (wet), and (3). Responsible for passenger baggage.
In ensuring the safety of passenger baggage and guaranteed baggage handling so that it is not damaged (wet) or even lost, one of the responsible efforts made by PT. STAT is in accordance with the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for services by providing first need compensation (FNC) / waiting money with the following conditions: (a). Domestic flights are USD 20 per passenger per day, maximum 3 days. (b). International flights are given only once for: 1). Economy class passenger for USD 100, 2). Business class passengers are USD 150, and 3). First class passenger is USD 250.
Keywords: Satisfaction, Expectation, Perspion, Importance Performance Analysis
Sebagai industri jasa transportasi udara (penerbangan) yang melayani bagasi penumpang, PT. Servisos Transportes Aeros de Timor Leste (STAT) yang beroperasi di Bandar Udara Internasional Presidente Nicolau Lobatu Kota Dili, Negara Timor Leste terus melakukan berbagai upaya untuk meningkat kepuasaan penumpang. Salah satunya dengan mengukur tingkat kepuasan penumpang berdasarkan ekspetasi dan persepsi, khususnya bagian kedatangan di Bandar Udara Internasional Presidente Nicolau Lobatu Dili Timor Leste dengan rute dari Bali – Indonesia tujuan Dili – Timor Leste dan dari Kupang – Indosnesia tujuan Dili – Timor Leste. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan penumpang berdasarkan ekspetasi dan persepsi adalah Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). Hasil pengolahan data menunjukan bahwa dari 15 variabel didapatkan pengelompokan masing-masing kuadran. Kuadran I yaitu Prioritas Utama (Concentrate Here) yang berada dalam garis sumbu (-Y , +X) (-4,16 , +3,895) meliputi V7, V8, dan V9. Kuadran II yaitu Pertahankan Prestasi (Keep Up The Good Work) yang berada dalam garis sumbu (+X , +Y) (+3,895 , +4,16) meliputi V1, V4, V5, V6, V10, dan V12. Kuadran III yaitu Prioritas Rendah (Low Priority) yang berada dalam garis sumbu (+Y , -X) (+4,16 , -3,895) meliputi V2, V3, V11, V14, dan V15. Kuadran IV yaitu Berlebihan (Possibly Overkill) yang berada dalam garis kuadran sumbu (-X , -Y) atau (3,895 , 4,16) meliputi V13. Dari ke 4 kuadran, kuadran I menjadi prioritas utama perbaikan, variabel yang termasuk dalam kuadran I meliputi (1). Jaminan keamanan bagasi penumpang, (2). Jaminan penanganan bagasi agar tidak rusak (basah), dan (3). Bertanggung jawab terhadap bagasi penumpang.
Dalam menjamin keamanan bagasi penumpang dan jaminan penanganan bagasi agar tidak rusak (basah) atau bahkan hilang, salah satu upaya tanggungjawab yang dilakukan oleh PT. STAT sesuai SOP (Standar Operasional Prosedur) pelayanan dengan memberi first need compensation (FNC) / uang tunggu dengan ketentuan: (a). Penerbangan domestik sebesar USD 20 per penumpang perhari, maksimal 3 hari. (b). Penerbangan internasional diberikan hanya 1 kali sebesar: 1). Penumpang kelas ekonomi sebesar USD 100, 2). Penumpang kelas bisnis sebesar USD 150, dan 3). Penumpang first class sebesar USD 250.
Kata Kunci: Kepuasaan, Ekspetasi, Persepsi, Importance Performance Analysis