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Pembimbing : Moh. Ardi Cahyono, S.T., M.T. - Dwi Hartini, S.T., M.T.

xv PENGHITUNGAN GAYA TEGANG KABEL (CABLE RIGGING LOADS) PADA NOSE WHEEL STEERING SYSTEM PESAWAT BOEING 737-300 Oleh: Kurnia Hidayatulloh 15050053 ABSTRAK Kabel penggerak nose wheel steering system merupakan penghubung antara stick control and nose wheel steering system. Kabel penggerak nose wheel steering system memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam operasional nose wheel steering system itu sendiri.Sehingga dilakukan penelitian pada kabel tersebut dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui nilai keketatan kabel yang sesuai dengan suhu di lingkungan sekitar dan bagaimana pengaruh temperatur terhadap kabel serta mengetahui perubahan rig load menggunakan kurva rig load & temperature. Metode yang digunakan dalam penghitungan rig load kabel nose wheel steering system metode penghitungan manual, dimana data yang digunakan pada penghitungan rig load kabel nose wheel steering system diperoleh dari dokumen Aircraft Maintenance Manual dan Boeing Design Manual pesawat boeing 737-300. Setelah melakukan penelitian didapatkan bahwa semakin besar nilai temperatur maka semakin besar pula nilai rig load dari kabel kontrol nose wheel steering system. Perubahan ini akan berefek pada kinerja kabel control sehingga perlu dilakukan pengaturan rig load yang sesuai dengan suhu lingkungan. Kata Kunci: Nose Wheel Steering System, Rig Load, Temperatur, Cable Rigging Loads xvi CABLE RIGGING LOADS CALCULATION ON THE NOSE WHEEL STEERING SYSTEM IN THE BOEING AIRCRAFT 737-300 By: Kurnia Hidayatulloh 15050053 ABSTRACT The nose wheel steering system drive cable is the link between the control stick and the nose wheel steering system. The nose wheel steering system has a very important role in the operation of nose wheel steering system itself. the cable is carried out with the aim to determine the value of the strength of the cable in accordance with the temperature in the surrounding environment and temperature related to the cable and also in rig load changes using rig load curves & temperature. The method used in the calculation rig load cable on the nose wheel steering system was manual calculation method, while the data used in the calculation of the steering system steering load cable was load manual aircraft maintenance wiring and manual boeing design aircraft boeing 737-300. While the data used in the calculation of the rig load cable nose wheel steering system was obtained from aircraft maintenance manual document and manual design boeing aircraft 737-300 After conducting the research the researcher found that the greater temperature, the greater the rig load cable. This change would have effected on the cable arrangement needed to regulate the rig load in accordance with the environment. Keywords: Nose Wheel Steering System, Rig Load, Temperature, Cable Rigging Loads

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