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Pembimbing : Fajar Khanif Rahmawati, S.T., M.M. - Indro Lukito, S.T., M.Eng.

xvi ANALISIS PERENCANAAN PELAKSANAAN PERAWATAN A11 CHECK PESAWAT BOEING 737-800 PK-GNH DI PT. GMF AeroAsia Tbk. Muhamad Zairizal Akbar 15050045 ABSTRAK Perencanaan (planning) merupakan hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam proses perawatan pesawat terbang, perencanaan berfungsi agar setiap kegiatan dalam pelaksanaan perawatan pesawat terbang dapat dikerjakan sesuai dengan yang telah ditentukan. Perencanaan yang dilakukan ialah menentukan turn around time (TAT). Ketepatan dalam pelaksanaan TAT sangat berpengaruh terhadap kepercayaan customer pada perusahaan, sehingga perlu dilakukan analisis program perawatan pesawat Boeing 737-800 PK-GNH di PT. GMF AeroAsia Tbk. Dalam proses penentuan TAT yang dilakukan oleh unit production planning and control (PPC) meliputi beberapa tahapan yaitu menentukan manhours planning, manpower availability, analisis Critical Path Method (CPM), dan membuat TAT. Setelah TAT ditetapkan, kemudian melakukan evaluasi program pelaksanaan perawatan pesawat Boeing 737-800 PK-GNH di PT. GMF AeroAsia Tbk. menggunakan metode fishbone untuk mencari penyebab keterlambatannya kemudian mencari solusi penyebab keterlambatan menggunakan metode 5W1H. Planning TAT yang ditetapkan oleh unit PPC yakni selama 8,97 jam dan actual di lapangan selama 19,40 jam sehingga terjadi keterlambatan selama 10,43 jam. Terjadinya keterlambatan pengerjaan di lapangan disebabkan oleh 4 faktor, adapun solusi dari penyebab keterlambatan yang terjadi yakni peningkatan koordinasi antar unit dalam pelaksanaan proses perawatan, mempercepat proses penyeselesaian inspection sehingga tidak terjadi late finding dan pembenahan dari sektor support material dan spare part. Kata kunci: planning, turn around time (TAT), production planning and control (PPC), Boeing 737-800 PK-GNH xvii AN ANALYSIS OF PLANNING FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A11 CHECK MAINTENANCE AIRCRAFT BOEING 737-800 PK-GNH IN PT. GMF AeroAsia Tbk. Muhamad Zairizal Akbar 15050045 ABSTRACT Planning is something that needs to be considered in the process of aircraft maintenance. Planning has function that every activity in the implementation of aircraft maintenance can be done accordance what has been determined. Planning is done is to determine the turn around time (TAT). Accuracy in the implementation of TAT is very influential on customer confidence in the company, so it is necessary to do an analysis of the maintenance program for the Boeing 737-800 PK-GNH aircraft at PT. GMF AeroAsia Tbk. In the process of determining the TAT carried out by the production planning and control (PPC) the unit includes several stages, there are determining manhours planning, manpower availability, Critical Path Method (CPM) analysis, and making TAT. After the TAT is established, then evaluates the maintenance program for the Boeing 737-800 PK-GNH aircraft at PT. GMF AeroAsia Tbk. use the fishbone method to find the cause of the delay then find a solution to the cause of the delay using the 5W1H method. Planning of the TAT determined by the PPC unit is during 8.97 hours and actual in the field spend 19.40 hours resulting in a delay of 10.43 hours. The delays in the field work are caused by 4 factors, while the solution to the causes of the delay is increased coordination between units in the implementation of the maintenance process, accelerating the process of completion of the inspection so that there is no late finding and improvement of the material support and spare part sectors. Keywords: planning, turn around time (TAT), production planning and control (PPC), Boeing 737-800 PK-GNH

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